Thursday 17 December 2015

Day 469 - Perseverance will pay off

Day: 469
Jobs applied for today: 1
Jobs heard back from:  0
Jobs applied for since starting this blog: 7
Source: keepcalm

So today I had a pretty decent job e-mailed through today by UKStaffSearch so I was pleased I had found something new and so fitting to apply for today! Not that I am hoping that I don't hear back from others (as you can see, hardly anybody gets back to me even with a "no"), but this job seems so good for me so fingers crossed!

If all else fails, I heard there is a new job opening at Chelsea!

Joking aside, I want to share this story about a young man named Tom who applied for 950 jobs before securing a permanent role with Asda. That's right...950 and over the course of 60 months! This is why I wanted to bring up perseverance. Tom said in the article: "I never gave up, but all those rejections really knocked my confidence." I know how you feel Tom and many others too judging by the comments left, but good on you for not giving up! This is exactly what I intend to do. Some days look really bad but there is a job out there that has my name all over it (as always, if you think that is with your company, let's have a chat about it!).

I know I have not applied for 950 positions yet although I am sure I am well on my way. I have started counting how many applications I have sent since starting this blog. Let's hope the number stops growing soon!

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