Thursday, 9 June 2016

Day 644: A stressful two weeks!

Here I am on Day 644 without so much another job interview or news to report on! But it has been two weeks since my last post (oops!), because I have been staying as busy as possible and not because I have a job yet. So here's a little update...

Last week, I was so frustrated and feeling down and out that I actually went to the job centre for some advice! I didn't want to have to go there, but I am glad I did. They were not able to help me there, as it is only for people receiving benefits and whatnot, but they gave me information on Universal Job Search. It seems to be a very comprehensive list of local jobs of all sorts! I have found a position I am very interested in from that search. The cutoff is next week so I a keeping my fingers crossed that I get an interview (wish me luck, please)!

I have also been doing the one-off editing work. It is the first time I have done something like this, apart from editing my own thesis, so I am taking my time. I also wanted to do some reading first so I knew what I was working with first and talk about what the author is looking for in terms of direction. I will probably finish it this weekend, so that's good although I will be bored again.

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I've been looking into local volunteering roles as well. There are some exciting projects coming soon to the area which I would love to help out on. I am so anxious to get a job though that I can't commit myself to a long term role, so I am looking ore for support roles here and there, and possibly something I can continue even after I get a job (if that day ever comes...sigh). I do love volunteering and giving back. If everyone could do a little bit, even a one-off one weekend, it could make a huge difference to your community or even in someone's life, so I very much advocate getting involved when possible!

Something I have noticed this past week as well I just want to mention: my spam inbox has exploded. I don't understand where all this spam is suddenly coming from! But I have also noticed that I get A LOT of "Job Alerts" from companies I have never signed up with. Because it's from companies I have never even heard of, it makes me apprehensive about having a look or signing up. Should I be?

Job searching is stressful. It really is. Sending in countless amounts of CV's and application forms is very daunting and can make someone feel really down. I want to work! And I want to give all my energy into my career and using all these skills I have learned in all the education I went onto do. I know I would be a great employee for the right company. If that company can be yours, send me an e-mail, and we can chat! I am friendly, really! So please do get in touch.

Anyways...there's the "excitement" of the last two weeks. I'm off to do another job search!

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