Monday, 20 June 2016

Day 655! Wishing, waiting, anticipating

I remember when I wrote my blog on day 600. I was thinking surely I would not have to be sounding like a broken record by day 650.

But here it is, day 655, and still waiting! Oh, not just waiting. I don't just sit around and hope a job comes to me because of this blog. This blog is to just highlight the problems job seekers face. And although I am waiting to hear back from a couple positions I am really keen on, I am not depending on them (obviously history has showed me not to), and I am still job searching and applying left, right and centre.

I have finished my editing job though that I have mentioned before. I enjoyed it! Sadly, it was a one-off, but it is something I would be happy to do again. I cannot depend on something like that to be the steady income I need right now, but it is certainly something to consider in the future! It was something that took a lot of self-discipline and personal deadlines (because the author was in no rush to get it done but I wanted to complete it in a timely manner), but I am very proud of the work I undertook.

Sadly now that means I am without anything to do again! This week I will attend a meeting about a volunteering role and hope that something comes form that to keep me busy and out and about in the community, as well as a potential to continue to develop skills. It's an exciting project, one that I have had experience in before, but I will talk more about it when it is up and running.

I mentioned before that I had applied for a couple positions that I am anxious to hear back on. One I know for sure I would absolutely excel in: working on creating content for the website, assisting in marketing and working with the public. That deadline closed Friday, so I hope right now HR is looking at my CV saying, "She's perfect! Let's get her in for an interview now!" Haha, if only! Perhaps I should send them the Ten Reasons Why I Should Be Hired post, just in case!

In addition to that, I have made my CV available for "temporary" work on some of the recruitment sites. I am happy to undertake temp work as long as it adds to my experience!

Image Source
Before I sign off before going back to job searching, I want to say a big THANK YOU to those who have "liked", "shared", or "retweeted" my blog on social media. others have sent me links to potential jobs, and I really am thankful for it. I may not have found that job yet, but it has helped spread my message and exposed the blog to potential employers. I appreciate all of it! You never might actually lead to that elusive job one day!

Don't forget: e-mail me, follow me on Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn!

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