Thursday, 26 May 2016

Day 630: Where is my Fairy Jobmother?

Well today I am feeling a little bit defeated over it all. I've just got back from a casual interview, and I am starting to wonder if I am a bit too hopeful in getting the job that I really enjoy.

I went into this interview without knowing too much about what was wanted. Don't get me wrong, I am very, very grateful. It was my first interview in about a year! I was there to discuss some one-off work to be done, but knew there could be more opportunities ahead. There are...BUT it is project work that I may or may not get paid for, depending on the project and revenue it generates. As exciting as the projects are, unfortunately I am not in a position where I can do that.

So for that, I am feeling a bit defeated, wondering where I will fit in in the work force! Am I aiming too high? What sort of places should I be applying for? Should I be looking outside the media/marketing sector and go for something else, anything really, to get me into the work force again? My head's spinning!

I know I would be an awesome addition to a team! I love working with the public and being able to give something back into the community as well. I'm highly organised and have managed long-term projects and events in the community. In addition to work experiences, my studies have included intense research into digital media and how it is being used today by football clubs to connect with their fans and partners (although the theories could be applied to companies and their customers/target audiences). I am very proud of my studies and the thesis I produced as part of my M.Phil degree, and if you would like to read more about it, you can do so here.

I'd love a position working with people again, either digitally through social media and creating awesome content that engages the target audience, fan engagement or in project delivery and event management.

Have I mentioned that I love to bake, and I have been known to bring in cupcakes into the workplace often? Bonus! And if you're still not convinced, here are ten reasons why you should hire me!

Even though I feel a bit beaten over 630 days of full time job searching, I still managed to muster up the confidence to turn on the good ol' laptop and do some more job searching (and applied for three more jobs).

But where is that Fairy Jobmother?! 

If you would like to discuss further about what I can bring to your company, or would like copy of my CV, please do e-mail me!

Don't forget you can also connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.

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