Friday, 11 December 2015

All I want for Christmas is...a jumpstart into my career!

Image source:

Day: 463
Jobs applied for today: 4
Jobs heard back from today: 0

Today I actually found four jobs to apply for, which is unusual for me (I normally find 1-2/day). Makes a nice change going into the weekend. I don't normally apply for jobs on the weekend because nothing new is posted, but if I get an email alert to something right for me, I will go ahead and send through my CV!

Today I got an e-mail from a recruitment office wishing me a Merry Christmas and best of luck in my job search in the new year. Really?! It is December 11th! I know things get quiet over the holidays but I am trying to hold on hope that I hear something before Christmas because let's face it, I would feel much better going into the holidays with job prospects lined up! Despite it all, I will keep trying. I notice many closing dates are not til after the new year now, which is fine...but I will keep going because you never know! There's a job involving digital media/marketing and social media out there that is perfect for me. If you think it might be with your company, let's have a chat

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend ahead.

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